"fatales" is here!

My comprehensive monograph, "FATALES", published by Cernunnos has finally been released into the wild! Beautifully printed in Italy, weighing in at 288 pages and 9" x 12" in size, this volume represents where my art has come from and where it is headed. From pulp-inspired monstosities to femme fatales to explorations into darker dream-like imagery, only what I consider my best works have been included here. Introduction by artist Fred Stonehouse, and an in-depth interview by award-winning art director and creator of BLAB!, Monte Beauchamp.
I will be announcing signings in the near future, as well as a local book launch here in Vancouver, B.C.
The book can be purchased online at:
Amazon.com (or try your own regional branch of Amazon if international)
Or, ask for it at (and support) your local book seller.
Thank you!
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